The Second Coming of Christ This presentation is accompanied by handouts and a PowerPoint presentation. Attendees will leave with a renewed understanding of the Second Coming, i.e. its meaning, significance and benefit for spiritual growth
Justification by Faith Alone This presentation outlines the meaning and significance of Justification by Faith alone, its significance to the Christian in the modern world. Attendees will leave with a broader understanding of Justification, i.e. what does the Bible say about it, its critical nature to salvation and its renewed impact on Christianity after the Protestant Reformation
How To Read the Book of Revelation This program outlines through the use of PowerPoint slides the purpose of The Book of Revelation, its structure, recipients and how it should be read and understood. Attendees will gain a new respect and appreciation for this precious book given specifically to the Christian and glory in the realization that God would reveal to us His ultimate plan for His people the Jews, the Church, the world, and Satan.